C++ 的常见算法 之三

news/2024/7/8 3:32:31 标签: c++, 算法, 开发语言

C++ 的常见算法 之三

  • 合并
    • merge
      • 使用实列
    • inplace_merge
      • 使用实列
    • set_difference
      • 使用实列
    • make_heap
      • 使用实列
    • sort_heap
      • 使用实列



将排序范围 [first1,last1) 和 [first2,last2) 中的元素合并到一个新范围中,该范围从 result 开始,所有元素均已排序。

  • 第一个版本使用operator< 来比较元素,
  • 第二个版本使用comp 来比较元素。两个范围中的元素应已根据相同的标准(operator< 或 comp)进行排序。结果范围也按此排序。


#include <iostream> 
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct personnel {
	string  name;
	int     age;

void print_element(int val) { cout << val << " " ; }
void print_personnel(personnel person) { cout << person.name << " " << person.age << endl; }

struct sort_class {
   bool operator() (personnel lf, personnel lr) { return (lf.age < lr.age);}
} sort_object;

int main () {
  int first[] = {5,10,15,20,25};
  int second[] = {50,40,30,20,10};
  vector<int> v(10);
  vector<personnel> it_depart = {
	  {"John", 30},
	  {"Allison", 25},		  
	  {"Sam", 29},		  
	  {"Alice", 39},		  
  vector<personnel> hr_depart = {
	  {"Michael", 40},
	  {"Tommy", 35},		  
	  {"Eric", 49},		  
	  {"Johnson", 59},		  
  vector<personnel> all_employee(8);

  sort (first,first+5);
  sort (second,second+5);
  merge (first,first+5,second,second+5,v.begin());

  cout << "The resulting vector contains:";
  for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [](int val)->void {cout << val << " ";}); 
  cout << '\n';

  sort (it_depart.begin(), it_depart.end(), sort_object);
  cout << "After Sorted, IT depart:" << endl;
  for_each(it_depart.begin(), it_depart.end(), 
			[](personnel emp)->void {cout << emp.name << " " << emp.age << endl;}); 
  cout << '\n';

  sort (hr_depart.begin(), hr_depart.end(), sort_object);
  cout << "After Sorted, HR depart:" << endl;
  for_each(hr_depart.begin(), hr_depart.end(), 
			[](personnel emp)->void {cout << emp.name << " " << emp.age << endl;}); 
  cout << '\n';

  merge(it_depart.begin(), it_depart.end(), 
			hr_depart.begin(), hr_depart.end(), all_employee.begin(), sort_object);
  cout << "After Merged, All employee:" << endl;

  cout << "All Employee:" << endl;
  for_each(all_employee.begin(), all_employee.end(), 
			[](personnel emp)->void {cout << emp.name << " " << emp.age << endl;}); 
  cout << '\n';

  return 0;


The resulting vector contains:5 10 10 15 20 20 25 30 40 50
After Sorted, IT depart:
Allison 25
Sam 29
John 30
Alice 39

After Sorted, HR depart:
Tommy 35
Michael 40
Eric 49
Johnson 59

After Merged, All employee:
All Employee:
Allison 25
Sam 29
John 30
Tommy 35
Alice 39
Michael 40
Eric 49
Johnson 59


合并两个连续的排序范围:[first,middle) 和 [middle,last),将结果放入合并的排序范围 [first,last) 中。

  • 第一个版本使用operator< 来比较元素,
template <class BidirectionalIterator>  
void inplace_merge (BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator middle, 
                     BidirectionalIterator last);
  • 第二个版本使用comp 来比较元素。两个范围中的元素应已根据相同的标准(operator< 或 comp)进行排序。结果范围也按此排序。
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Compare>  
void inplace_merge (BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator middle,         
             BidirectionalIterator last, Compare comp);



#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct personnel {
	string  name;
	int     age;

void print_personnel(personnel person) 
{ cout << person.name << " " << person.age << endl; }

struct sort_class {
   bool operator() (personnel lf, personnel lr) { return (lf.age < lr.age);}
} sort_object;

int main () {
	int first[] = {5,10,15,20,25};
	int second[] = {50,40,30,2,1};

	vector<personnel> it_depart = {
	  {"John", 30},
	  {"Allison", 25},		  
	  {"Sam", 29},		  
	  {"Alice", 39},		  
	vector<personnel> hr_depart = {
	  {"Michael", 40},
	  {"Tommy", 18},		  
	  {"Eric", 19},		  
	  {"Johnson", 59},		  
	vector<personnel> all_employee(8);
	vector<personnel>::iterator it_emp;
	vector<int> v(10);
	vector<int>::iterator it;

	sort (first,first+5);
	sort (second,second+5);

	it=copy (first, first+5, v.begin());
	copy (second,second+5,it);
	cout << "Before merge:";
	for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [](int val)->void{cout << val << " ";});
	cout << endl;
	inplace_merge (v.begin(),v.begin()+5,v.end());

	cout << " After merge:";
	for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [](int val)->void{cout << val << " ";});
	cout << endl;

	sort (it_depart.begin(), it_depart.end(), sort_object);
	sort (hr_depart.begin(), hr_depart.end(), sort_object);

	it_emp=copy (it_depart.begin(), it_depart.end(), all_employee.begin());
	copy (hr_depart.begin(), hr_depart.end(), it_emp);
	cout << "Employee before merge:" << endl;
	for_each(all_employee.begin(), all_employee.end(), 
			[](personnel emp)->void {cout << emp.name << " " << emp.age << endl;});
	cout << endl;
	inplace_merge (all_employee.begin(), 
			all_employee.begin()+4, all_employee.end(), sort_object);

	cout << "Employee after merge:" << endl;
	for_each(all_employee.begin(), all_employee.end(), 
			[](personnel emp)->void {cout << emp.name << " " << emp.age << endl;});
	cout << endl;

	return 0;


Before merge:5 10 15 20 25 1 2 30 40 50
 After merge:1 2 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50
Employee before merge:
Allison 25
Sam 29
John 30
Alice 39
Tommy 18
Eric 19
Michael 40
Johnson 59

Employee after merge:
Tommy 18
Eric 19
Allison 25
Sam 29
John 30
Alice 39
Michael 40
Johnson 59


构造一个排序范围,其元素是,排序范围 [first1,last1)和排序范围 [first2,last2)之间的差。



  • 第一个版本使用operator< 来比较元素
  • 第二个版本使用comp 来比较元素。如果 (!(a<b) && !(b<a)) 或 if (!comp(a,b) && !comp(b,a)),则 a 和 b 两个元素被视为等效。

范围中的元素应已根据相同的标准(operator< 或 comp)进行排序。结果范围也按此排序。


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct personnel {
	string  name;
	int     age;

void print_personnel(personnel person) { cout << person.name << " " << person.age << endl; }

struct sort_class {
   bool operator() (personnel lf, personnel lr) { return (lf.age < lr.age);}
} sort_object;

struct equal_class {
   bool operator() (personnel lf, personnel lr) 
	{ return ((lf.name != lr.name) || (lf.age != lr.age));}
} equal_object;

int main () {
  vector<int> first = {15,10,50,20,25,2};
  vector<int> second = {50,40,30,20,10};
  vector<personnel> it_depart = {
	  {"John", 30},
	  {"Allison", 25},		  
	  {"Sam", 29},		  
	  {"Alice", 30},		  
  vector<personnel> all_employee = {
	  {"John", 30},
	  {"Allison", 25},		  
	  {"Sam", 29},		  
	  {"Alice", 39},		  
	  {"Tommy", 35},		  
	  {"Eric", 49},		  
	  {"Johnson", 59},		  
  vector<personnel> other_employee(all_employee.size());

  vector<int> v(11); 
  vector<int>::iterator it;
  vector<personnel>::iterator it_emp;

  sort (first.begin(), first.end()); 
  sort (second.begin(), second.end());

	it=set_difference (first.begin(), first.end(),
			second.begin(), second.end(), v.begin());

	cout << "The difference has " << (v.size()) << " elements:\n";
	for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [](int val)->void {cout << val << " ";});
	cout << endl;
	sort (it_depart.begin(), it_depart.end(), sort_object); 
	sort (all_employee.begin(), all_employee.end(), sort_object);
	it_emp=set_difference (all_employee.begin(), all_employee.end(),
			it_depart.begin(), it_depart.end(), other_employee.begin(), equal_object);
	other_employee.resize(it_emp - other_employee.begin());

	cout << "Other employee:" << endl;
	for_each(other_employee.begin(), other_employee.end(), 
			[](personnel emp)->void {cout << emp.name << " " << emp.age << endl;});
	cout << endl;

  return 0;


The difference has 3 elements:
2 15 25
Other employee:
Tommy 35
Alice 39
Eric 49
Johnson 59


重新排列 [first,last) 范围内的元素,使它们形成堆。

堆是一种组织元素序列的方法,它允许在任何时刻,重复地快速检索具有最高值的元素(使用 pop_heap),同时允许快速插入新元素(使用 push_heap)。


  • 使用operator<(对于第一个版本)或
  • comp(对于第二个版本)来比较元素:具有最高值的元素是与范围中的每个其他元素进行比较时将返回 false 的元素。



#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main () {
  vector<int> v = {10,20,30,5,15};

  make_heap (v.begin(),v.end());
  cout << "Initial heap: ";
  for_each(v.begin(),v.end(), [](int val)->void {cout << val << " ";});
  cout << endl;
  cout << "initial max heap   : " << v.front() << '\n';

  cout << "after pop_head heap: ";
  for_each(v.begin(),v.end(), [](int val)->void {cout << val << " ";});
  cout << endl;
  cout << "after pop_back vector: ";
  for_each(v.begin(),v.end(), [](int val)->void {cout << val << " ";});
  cout << endl;
  cout << "max heap after pop : " << v.front() << '\n';

  cout << "after push_back vector: ";
  for_each(v.begin(),v.end(), [](int val)->void {cout << val << " ";});
  cout << endl;

  push_heap (v.begin(),v.end());
  cout << "after push_head heap: ";
  for_each(v.begin(),v.end(), [](int val)->void {cout << val << " ";});
  cout << endl;
  cout << "max heap after push: " << v.front() << '\n';

  return 0;


Initial heap: 30 20 10 5 15
initial max heap   : 30
after pop_head heap: 20 15 10 5 30
after pop_back vector: 20 15 10 5
max heap after pop : 20
after push_back vector: 20 15 10 5 99
after push_head heap: 99 20 10 5 15
max heap after push: 99


将堆范围 [first,last) 中的元素按升序或降序排序。

  • 第一个版本使用operator<来比较元素,
  • 第二个版本使用comp来比较元素,这应该与构造堆时使用的相同。



#include <iostream> 
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct personnel {
	string  name;
	int     age;

struct sort_class {
   bool operator() (personnel lf, personnel lr) {
		return ((lf.name < lr.name) || ((lf.name == lr.name) && (lf.age < lr.age)));
} sort_object;

int main () {
  vector<int> v = {10,20,30,5,15};
  vector<personnel> depart = {
	  {"John", 30},
	  {"Allison", 25},		  
	  {"Sam", 29},		  
	  {"Sam", 49},		  
	  {"Alice", 39},		  
  personnel new_incomer = {"Alice", 29};
  make_heap (v.begin(),v.end());
  cout << "initial max heap   : " << v.front() << '\n';

  pop_heap (v.begin(),v.end());
  cout << "max heap after pop : " << v.front() << '\n';

  push_heap (v.begin(),v.end());
  cout << "max heap after push: " << v.front() << '\n';

  sort_heap (v.begin(),v.end());
  cout << "final sorted range :";
  for_each(v.begin(),v.end(), [](int val)->void {cout << val << " ";});;
  cout << endl;

  make_heap (depart.begin(), depart.end(), sort_object);
  cout << "After make_heap:" << endl;
  cout << "initial max heap   : " << depart.front().name << " " << depart.front().age << '\n';
  for_each(depart.begin(), depart.end(), 
			[](personnel emp)->void {cout << " [ " << emp.name << " " << emp.age << " ] ";}); 
  cout << '\n';

  cout << "After push_back:" << endl;
  for_each(depart.begin(), depart.end(), 
			[](personnel emp)->void {cout << " [ " << emp.name << " " << emp.age << " ] ";}); 
  cout << '\n';

  push_heap (depart.begin(), depart.end(), sort_object);
  cout << "After make_heap:" << endl;
  cout << "max heap after push: " << depart.front().name << " " << depart.front().age << '\n';
  for_each(depart.begin(), depart.end(), 
			[](personnel emp)->void {cout << " [ " << emp.name << " " << emp.age << " ] ";}); 
  cout << '\n';

  sort_heap (depart.begin(), depart.end(), sort_object);
  cout << "final sorted range :" << endl;
  for_each(depart.begin(), depart.end(), 
	[](personnel emp)->void {
		cout << " [ " << emp.name << "," << emp.age << " ] ";});
  cout << endl;
  return 0;


initial max heap   : 30
max heap after pop : 20
max heap after push: 99
final sorted range :5 10 15 20 99
After make_heap:
initial max heap   : Sam 49
 [ Sam 49 ]  [ John 30 ]  [ Sam 29 ]  [ Allison 25 ]  [ Alice 39 ]
After push_back:
 [ Sam 49 ]  [ John 30 ]  [ Sam 29 ]  [ Allison 25 ]  [ Alice 39 ]  [ Alice 29 ]
After make_heap:
max heap after push: Sam 49
 [ Sam 49 ]  [ John 30 ]  [ Sam 29 ]  [ Allison 25 ]  [ Alice 39 ]  [ Alice 29 ]
final sorted range :
 [ Alice,29 ]  [ Alice,39 ]  [ Allison,25 ]  [ John,30 ]  [ Sam,29 ]  [ Sam,49 ]




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